For the past months, we gathered data from different YouTube channels. Dedicated video channels, channels by well-known festivals and some of the more successful artist channels. Sometimes a chart is the easiest way to get an overview, so here we go.
First, we will show you how many average clicks different channels had on YouTube over the last 10 months (note that for some channels we didn’t take numbers every month and averaged over several months. (This includes Aires de Milonga from May till August and Murat Erdemsel from May till November.)
You will notice right away that the dedicated video channels have way higher access numbers than all other channels.
Some channels might surprise you.
2xTango TV has been mostly inactive for several years. So, while overall, they have the most clicks of all Tango channels we could find, their daily numbers are going down over time. Very interesting is the September 2016 figure.
Aires de Milonga had by far its most successful month of any channel in 2016. They were the only ones present at the Mundial in Buenos Aires and there seems to be a huge interest in this competition. Afterwards they pretty much went back to their usual numbers.
We added two festivals that are very good and active in their public relations work, the
Belgrade Tango Encuentro and the
Mediterranean Summer Tango Festival, better known as Porec Tango Festival. Additionally, in this statistic we added one of the biggest channels of an artist, the one of
Murat Erdemsel. He has been actively working on his YouTube presence for years and is one of the most successful artists in this regard.
The second chart shows you how many clicks a video has on average on different channels.
2xTango TV again stands out, as they don't have a steady flow of new videos with lower numbers. As they started publishing some videos again, we'll see if this number changes over the next year.
Murat Erdemsel has been controlling the videos of his performances for years, so you have to go to his YouTube channel to watch him. As we see, he is quite successful with this. If it is still possible to do so nowadays, with that many cameras and phones around, you have to consider this for yourself. Also, his first videos on the channel date back to February 2007. A massive amount of time and patience went into this project.
A more recent example is the YouTube channel of
Maja Petrović and Marko Miljević. They also have a very extensive channel of their performances that goes back to October 2011.
Despite having mostly very famous artists at their events, the festival channels fall short of expectations in this regard. This surprised us when putting together these numbers and it’s hard to say why it is this way. Our best guess was that YouTube penalizes channels that only post that much once a year. On the other hand, the channel of the Belgrade Tango Encuentro is busy all year round. Without having a look at their analytics, it’s impossible to say where the big difference in traffic and average traffic for each video is coming from.