030tango is
Jonas Zadow
Blücherstraße 35
10961 Berlin
UID-Number: DE237808786
Responsible for the content (according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV):
Jonas Zadow
Blücherstraße 35
10961 Berlin


If you feel that your copyright or other rights have been infringed upon by one of our videos, please get in contact with us right away, so we can solve this problem quickly.

If you are interested to obtain a license for one of our recordings for commercial or non-commercial use, please get in contact with us.

For scientific and/or educational use (also called "Fair use") please also get in contact with us. We will try to find a way, that the recordings and dancers get represented in the best way possible for all involved parties.


Here you can find our privacy policy according to German Telemediengesetz (TMG), Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and other data protection regulations.

Terms and Conditions

Here you can find our Terms and Conditions for the tango supporter services we offer.